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Anchor 1
The Untold Truth of
Captain Hook.


Twin brothers James and Peter love life at sea. When their mother dies, their father leaves them at an orphanage, with a promise they’ll all see each other again someday. Peter thrives at the orphanage, becoming a leader among the other unwanted boys, while James becomes obsessed with finding their father. Knowing he must make his way in the world of adults to accomplish his quest, James decides to grow one year older each day, until he is an adult.


But when he is unable to convince Peter to leave his friends, James charters a ship and crew, and follows clues left by his father in an old clock. His search is fruitless, driving him to the edge of madness, until he mistakes a dangerous crocodile for his father. When the beast clamps its great jaw around the clock James holds, Peter saves James by cutting off his hand.


Filled with remorse, Peter thinks it may be time he grew up. James encourages him not to do so, to remain as young and imaginative as he wants to be. When Peter confides that what he really wants to do is hunt pirates, James—with his ship, his love of the sea, and his gleaming new hook—decides to be the pirate nemesis Peter needs.


Themes: holding on / letting go; brotherly love; sacrifice; time


Cast Size: 3 performers


Audience Age Range: 7+ years


Currently under development in the U.K. with

Replay Theatre Company


First Production will be at

The Belfast Children's Festival

March 6 - 11, 2020


Anchor 2
Treasure Island

Set sail on the high seas with the original pirate story about a boy, Jamie Hawkins, who is taken by a band of pirates in search of lost treasure. When Jamie learns of the pirate plans for mutiny, he discovers he must pick a side, forcing him to grow up and do the right thing. Climb aboard and experience the tale that became the model for all of the pirate films that followed. 


This creative new musical has toured the United States with fantastic response and sales. The large creative set is a favorite with audiences everywhere. This show and set are ready for production and touring.

Anchor 3
The Wondermill Collective

Need a new show?


Looking for creative design solutions?


Want to create a large event? 


Original music, Choreography, Magic, Puppetry, effects


The artists of the Wondermill Collective are here for you.

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