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Script Consultation


Need help with your new script? 

Need someone with experience, who won't be afraid to help you tackle the big stuff?

I can be that person for you.

As an experienced playwright and theatre producer I can help you bring your vision to the page and ultimately to the stage or screen.

Performer on Smoky Stage

Scenography Consultation 

With over twenty years as a scenic designer I can bring a unique perspective to your project. 

Large art installations, musicals, corporate events, touring productions and display.


Let my experience help you avoid the headaches caused by the unforeseen.


Touring Consultation

Production design, script, costume, housing, vehicle, fuel, food, load-in and branding. It all matters on tour.

Let me help you with your US tour. I have produced, worked on, and managed tours all around the US. It's a big market with a lot of ways to lose money fast. Let me help you avoid the pitfalls that happen with first-time touring companies.


Laptop and Diary Topview



Looking at new equipment, new building, marketing, org chart, concessions, brand, or season?


Don't make expensive mistakes on new projects. My team and I can help prevent problems and see your space from an outsider's perspective. Let our experience help smooth out your experience.

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